Ever feel like no matter how hard you work or how much you care, you can’t really have a positive effect on this planet? That was definitely the thought that popped into my head this morning!
My day started out as I jumped into a nice warm shower, I was in a hurry so I managed to get wet and start lathering up just in time for the hot water to run out. Really? I have a 50-gallon water heater for heaven’s sake! I couldn’t rush through that shower fast enough!
After throwing on some clothes, I ran down to the garage, where “the culprit lives”. I stood about 10 feet in front of ”the culprit”, staring it down, like a John Wayne wannabe. It was just him and I, staring at each other for what seemed liked hours, but in reality, was probably only about 15 seconds.
As I walked slowly over to it, my feet became wet and then wetter and then soaked. I looked down for the first time and saw that the beautiful Persian rug on the floor was completely soaked all the way through.
The boxes of priceless pictures from my childhood (quite possibly the only ones left), of my children, of my now deceased and adored grandparents, as well as, several priceless paintings my Grandmother (an artist) had painted were not only soaked on the bottom of the box but apparently “the culprit” had decided to spray part of its 50 gallons into the boxes themselves, which were now filled with water. What the ???
My faithful dog (little as he is) is right beside me, barking at “the Culprit” as if to warn me from this beast! I take a deep breath and thrust forward, keeping eye contact the entire time.
As I come closer, it becomes clear that “the Culprit” is dead. He definitely did not give up easy though. There are parts all over the floor, what looks like burn marks on the controls, and of course the entire 50 gallons of water all over my floor.
I call off my faithful dog, Kipper, and I call my warranty company. They offer to set this call up as a rush order, which I immediately accept. Just then I hear several loud screams from my teenage daughter. From the sounds of the scream, I actually thought John Gavin might be with her reenacting that famous killing shower scene out of the movie Psycho.
I practically break down the bathroom door to get to her (as any concerned parent can understand). Apparently, she has discovered what I already knew; there is no hot water.
Just then the doorbell rings, I answer it to find several SELLability personnel arriving for a huge strategy meeting, which we purposely arranged to have here so we wouldn’t be distracted. Ha! Just then, the warranty company calls back to let me know that a company called, “Payless Water Heaters” has agreed to service me on a rush basis and they will be calling me shortly.
Just as I am doing my little “happy dance” Payless Water Heater calls! They are coming right out! Maybe I can turn this bad day around after all!
I have to remind myself that most servicemen are not very friendly, clean, or even knowledgeable enough to really get to the bottom of what is going on and if I am to be honest, most just want to do the least amount of work for the most amount of money. I am mentally preparing myself for battle! I’ve now gone from a John Wayne wannabe to a new and improved Hercules!
Shortly thereafter, two clean, nicely dressed, and well-mannered men show up at my front door. They introduce themselves. They are nice and very personable. They put covers over their shoes so as not to track dirt into the house and ask to go in through the garage so as not to intrude.
Hey, what’s going on here? Are they trying to catch me off guard to throw me off my game? I ask them a few questions to test their knowledge and friendliness. They answer quickly and effectively. Boy, they really do seem genuine!
They access the damage; thoroughly check out the water heater and its surroundings. They ask me several questions and then give me their findings: “the culprit” is dead. They will dispose of it for me at no charge and install the new one.
They then did something even more amazing. They didn’t just get to it; they actually observed the area and spotted a secondary leak. They helped access where it was coming from and gave me advice as well as people to call that could help me, should I choose to use them.
They actually engaged my attention to the details of the job while maintaining complete professionalism, so much so, that it never even occurred to me to question their ability or knowledge. I knew, without a doubt, that it was a high level of sales training they must have gone through to be able to put my mind at such ease.
They literally sold me with their awesomeness. They were completely professional, amazingly courteous and I could actually feel their care for me and my well-being. Wouldn’t you know it, people, who cared about other people in this world!
I couldn’t help but notice how well they operated as representatives of the company they worked for and how almost every action they were taking would be what I would teach them to take if I were doing their sales training.
What an amazing turn of events it was having true professionals handle my nightmare so competently with effectiveness and efficiency few can master. They were the perfect salespeople. I actually liked them. Even trust them. Hmm.
The only people I have ever known like that were trained by my own company, SELLability.
Well, as it turns out, they and the Payless Water Heater staff were all trained by SELLability!! My partner, Peter Monaghan consulted with them personally on our sales and marketing programs. I should have seen that coming!
I guess you can really make a difference in this world! It may even come back to you personally, completely unexpectedly to make a difference when you need it the most!
Lisa Terrenzi
Co-Founder & CEO