CPR for Customer Relationship
When looking at how to revive some “mostly dead” sales, it is very important to take up the customer relationship. Especially now, customers have many choices. Recent studies estimate that customers are receiving 1000s of marketing messages each day. So, the relationship you create with the customer is VITAL.
Here are 8 vital actions that must be part of your Customer Relationship program.
1. Lifelong! The best way to start is to take the approach that you are going to create a LIFELONG relationship with your customers.
2. Realize that this starts before you ever meet your customer. Your Public Relations image for your company must show amazing relationships with your customers. Real stories How that relationship changed and improved those customers and their business.
3. Provide valuable information for prospective customers before you ever talk to them. What free information and/or services can you provide prospective customers searching for help and information on the internet?
4. The result of your social media presence should be “Prospects trust my company and we are a valuable source of information for them.”
5. Now with the trusted relationship foundation in place. Offer those prospective customers further value if they choose to make contact. This can be a free analysis or test or evaluation of their existing situation with an expert. Or having them take part in a study. This is a custom creation by you based on your products and services.
6. When that prospective customer reaches out to you, make their experience amazing! Inspire them! Your approach needs to match or exceed all they have already experienced and heard about your company.
Remember that in the 1000s of messages they have received and the 10s of 1000s this month, they chose to reach out to YOU! Cherish this! Thank them for calling and introduce yourself! Let them know they are appreciated! Then transition to the next step. Note this is from reception to Sales, ALL must approach this customer with the view that they will be a LIFELONG customer!
7. Roll out the red carpet when the customer arrives. Make them feel welcome and appreciated. Offer them a comfortable seat, water coffee, snacks. Absolutely nothing is a problem. They are your guest! All of this is strengthening the foundation of trust built from step 1.
8. Maintain and further develop this trust and relationship throughout your sales process. Imagine how you feel as a salesperson receiving the customer at this point? Confident with a great start to the sales process! Closing rates will improve!
Now we invite you to take up these points with your sales that are “dead”. You may find they are only Mostly Dead not all dead! Revive them with this month’s Sales CPR!