Each of the CPR methods we are discussing this month deal with communication—for it is only communication that is going to restore business between you and your customers.
We have discussed finding out what your customers and prospects are really thinking because you can’t assume they are in the same sales process stage as they were before covid19.
We then discussed asking pertinent questions to strengthen your position with them.
Last, we had you conduct a survey of your prospects and customers to gain their views of the current environment, and also to make them aware of their own views.
Now you are armed with some very valuable information—and as any marketing professional will tell you, survey information is no good unless you use it. In this case, you are going to look over the survey, take the majority of answers, and utilize them for some new messaging to your customers and prospects.
Let us go back to the sample questions from our last blog, and pose some example majority answers:
“What kind of business do you feel succeeds best in the new environment?”
Majority answer: “One that delivers real value.”
“What is the biggest challenge, or what is your biggest challenge in this new environment?”
Majority answer: #1 “Getting prospects and customers to spend money on new or improved products or services.” #2 “Making sure we make the right business decisions.”
“What have you changed in your business or life to meet the challenges of the new environment?”
Majority answer: “We’ve cut back and trimmed our budget.”
“What do you think your prospects and customers expect of you in this new environment?”
Majority answer: “To really help them.”
“What are the most important factors for you when buying a product in this environment?”
“That it really delivers value for the money.”
Now, from the above answers, you could then formulate a message such as, “Based on the new environment, we have reviewed our sales and delivery process to ensure each step exceeds the highest quality standards. We know that the quality, efficiency, and great customer service we provide will support your goals in this challenging environment.”
Another message might be, “We know you cannot afford mistakes in this new environment. We know your money needs to go further. We also know you cannot waste any time. We know that your project must be kept on time and within budget. We also know that you cannot afford to get a product that is not built to last. This is why our company will never ever compromise the integrity of our products, services, or project standards.”
Not only are you sending out a positive message and countering any negativity in today’s environment, but you are also reflecting how your customers and prospects really feel, to them. It is a way to provide a tremendous boost to your business.