This month, in our newsletter and blogs, we are dealing with a subject that is very much front of mind for any business right now: coming out of the confusion that this quarantine has created. It is certainly a confusion to be roaring along as a business, then suddenly hit a brick wall, and be totally shut down. It is now a further confusion to start back up again.
Working from Home
For many of us, the current situation is that we must operate our businesses, if we can, from home. If you have never done this before, it can certainly be disconcerting. Where before you could just yell out to your co-worker and get a question answered, or just walk down the hall to see your sales manager, now you must pick up the phone and text or call.
Instead of having meetings in the conference room, now there is the complex process of creating a meeting through videoconferencing. You cannot just reach out and grab hard-copy sales collateral. Face-to-face meetings with prospects cannot happen. There are a million details that were never thought through because nobody saw this coming.
Now, after struggling for months with this uncertain business model, we are all faced with having to transition back to the former one or evolving a new model. If we could just pick up and walk back into the office, that would be great—but the transition must be done in “stages.” Hence, the transition back is going to be almost as confusing as the lockdown was.
You Are Stability
If you project an image of confusion, you are only going to contribute to the confusion that your prospects and customers are already experiencing. So, here is what you must do: For all of your prospects and customers, as everyone makes their way out of this confusion, you must be a point of stability, a stable influence.
Your prospects and customers need someone to guide them down a path back to success. In this series of blogs this month, we are giving you some tools so that you can be just that: a guiding light for everyone else.
The “guiding light” for your company is your sales process, and we will be covering this topic in detail in two different blog posts. We will show you how to use the sales process to analyze each deal, and clearly create a path forward. We will also show you how to utilize the sales process as a point of stability.
Additionally, we will discuss why it is important, as you guide others, to stick to facts versus opinions. We will share why you must gain your prospect and customer’s trust once more, and we will show you how to do that.
Using this information your sales reps will be able to walk any prospect or customer out of confusion and back up to a certainty of where they are going. You will have reestablished and strengthened trust with them and they will have restored confidence that they are going in the right direction.
And restored confidence is what the whole world needs right now.