In our first blog this month, we advised that both individuals and companies should promote their way out of this anxiety. Anxiety causes a person or company to withdraw—and promotion is an organization’s way of reaching out, which is the opposite of withdrawing.
Not only will you feel better, but once you are promoting, you will begin to start seeing leads coming in, and having opportunities roll in the door.
The next thing your company should do is refocus its sales team—and that is exactly what we advised and detailed in our second blog.
Now that a company has promoted, and then refocused the sales team so that it is once again strong and not so anxious, the next crucial step needs to be taken you need to deliver your product and service, and you need to deliver it better than you ever have before. It needs to not only meet–but exceed the buyer’s expectations.
When a prospect comes to you, they are looking for a particular product or service. It might even be one that they have been looking for for many months or even years.
Your job as a salesperson is to listen carefully to their needs and wants, and then present your product or service in such a way that they can see it will not only meet but exceed their expectations.
Of course, too many salespeople, if they successfully reach this point, stop right there. They have convinced the prospect that the product or service will exceed their expectations, and they then carry right through to closing the prospect and seeing that the product or service is delivered. The salesperson pays no attention to whether or not the product or service is truly that valuable, that it exceeded expectations.
Of course, that value is up to the company as a whole, not just the salesperson. But the salesperson should certainly be pushing for that value to be delivered—otherwise, both the salesperson and the company have lost a repeat customer, or minimally a strong referral.
And, again, this should be the mission of the whole company. This is especially true in this time of pandemic because too many companies (see our newsletter from September of this year) are using the covid19 restrictions as an excuse to cut back their service. We have had personal experience with lousy delivery and customer service attributed to covid19, and you might have, too.
If you make a point to deliver above and beyond expectations, you will not only have a very pleased customer on your hands, but you are going to beat any competitor that has misguidedly lowered service quality “because of the pandemic.”
So not only promise a product or service that will exceed expectations but then deliver it as well. And once you have done that, follow up with spectacular customer service.