In previous blogs, we’ve covered the importance of creating an excellent staff experience to attract new staff and keep the ones you have. We also went over the fact that desperation and compromise in hiring will eventually kill that StaffX you’ve worked so hard to create, as your team becomes polluted with hires who perform with lower standards. In the last blog, we talked about how leaders must take responsibility to lead with standards.
In other words, we’ve laid out all of the necessary changes that you should make to set and maintain standards, so that standards are raised throughout the business world. There is much to do!
Now that you’ve seen what you must do, we’ll say this: don’t wait.
The Holiday Barrier
Why is it especially important for us to make this “don’t wait” admonition at this time?
It’s because we’re on the holidays. Traditionally in business, big, or important projects are put off until after Thanksgiving or after the Christmas holidays. Most often, it’s “we’ll start it off in the New Year.”
In this case, however, you’re working your way back up to the way things were before the pandemic. You are already dealing with lowered standards, so all that waiting is going to do is invite standards to fall even further. Why would you want to do that? Get moving now, and you’ll make considerable progress by the time the holidays roll around.
By the time the New Year is here, you’ll be well on your way. Your improved staff experience—StaffX—will be attracting people seeking employment who have become disenchanted with their current employers, who are enticed by your better StaffX. You’ll have less worry about losing your existing employees because they’ll be happier. Your hiring standards will have been raised so you’re not bringing substandard staff onboard. And you’ll be leading the company with solidly higher standards.
Not Just You
There’s yet another reason for you not to wait to make these positive changes to your operation. And that is, you’re not the only business in your community.
There are many companies that have adopted lower standards around. As long as there’s a kind of silent agreement from everyone that these standards are acceptable, nobody is really going to reach to raise these standards. It takes someone breaking out of these agreements, standing up and refusing to accept lowered standards any longer, to break the pattern.
You can be the one to set a positive example. Get underway in raising your standards now, and refusing to accept lowered standards, and others will take notice. As more and more companies act to raise standards, the raised standard will be adopted more and more widely.
In short—don’t wait! Do it now!
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