In our previous blogs this month, we have covered several different factors in society and your own company, which are critical for prediction and foresight. Now let’s take up the final one—and probably the most important one—which is keeping your eyes wide open and observing.
Taking the Time
If you are willing to constantly observe, constantly look, you will be able to perceive things that have not yet materialized. Companies that have enabled themselves to keep watching have been able to see many things before they happen.
If you only concentrate on day-to-day activities, worries, putting out fires, and so on, you will keep yourself from observing. If we are honest, this is where most companies are focused, and why so many miss out on making any future prediction. But if, in addition to your daily tasks and targets, you make future vision an equally important component of your workday, you will find your vision extending far beyond your desk, your office, and even the building you occupy.
Make it part of your daily “to-do” list to note down what you learned that day. What kinds of things did you note that could mean something fortunate in the future? Or, what did you note that might indicate some kind of future risk?
Collecting the Data
This month we have explored several areas from which to collect data for this kind of observation. We talked about watching directions the government was taking. We discussed monitoring the economy and market. We explored the importance of understanding how your customers and prospects think.
These are all methods through which you can consistently observe, and from those observations be able to predict. You can probably come up with some ways of your own, too.
Share With Others
As you compile data from your observations, you will be able to multiply the rewards from doing so by sharing them with others. Within your organization, make these observations part of meetings with executives and staff.
Then, you could go outside your company. You could regularly meet or talk with executives from other companies in your industry, or even from different industries. You could discuss your observations, and theirs as well.
The more views you can include, the more powerful your observations will be.
The Broader View
Observing this way empowers you to take a much more comprehensive view of your business, the commercial landscape, and even the world than you usually would.
Keep your eyes wide open and keep on looking. Your capability to predict and forecast will grow by leaps and bounds.