Just looking at the many articles, books, and training methods on the subject of closing and sales, motivation seems to play a large part in closing.
But just as many sales training methods seem to over-focus on closing, neglecting the very necessary remainder of sales process steps leading up to it, they also seem to entirely miss what will motivate salespeople, and keep them motivated.
Motivation Tied to Results
At SELLability, one of the major discoveries that come out of our research is that motivation is tied to results.
What exactly do we mean? Well, another major discovery of our research—probably the most major discovery—is that there is a very definitely sales process which, if followed, will lead to a closed sale. This process can be seen in this scale:
As you can see, it is wide at the top, and narrow at the bottom. That is because “prospecting” at the top must be as massive as possible so that you always have prospects that will make their way down the funnel. At the bottom is closing.
When you study the sales process (and you should!), you’ll discover that each step has its own very definite result. That result must be completely achieved before moving onto the next step—otherwise, the sale will stall or be lost completely.
Is a salesperson motivated if they are getting results? You bet!
Think of the last time you really succeeded at something. Were you then motivated to do it again? Or motivated to do it even better?
Therefore, as a salesperson obtains a result with one sales process stage, they’re motivated to carry onto the next one. And they’ll be totally motivated to reach that close.
When Motivation Fades
The opposite is also true, though. Motivation will only last if you’re getting results. Without consistent results being achieved, motivation fades away.
If you find you are losing motivation, review the sales you have in process to determine what steps have you truly completed. Knowing which step of the sales process you are truly in, with each sale you are working on, is a relief and gives you clear direction with the next step to take.
By running each sale this way, you may find that your skills are stronger in some steps and weaker in others. Knowing this is the start of becoming a master salesperson. Remember that the key is the continuous improvement of your sales skills.
Now…what are the skills that you need in order to master the sales process? You must practice each of the different steps so that it becomes second nature. Note that in the SELLability program, we provide you with a course that breaks those steps down into more than 70 individual steps. We also provide you with a sales tool that allows you to practice the sales process every day, every week, and every year.
Motivation is tied, then, to results. Repeated results will result in your complete certainty and understanding of the sales process. And the motivation to reach a closed sale will be present, every time.