If you or your sales team is experiencing anxiety, it is surely no surprise. A primary cause of anxiety is an environment that is threatening, uncertain, or dangerous.
We have covid19, we’ve had civil unrest, we’ve had a presidential election. These all make for a very uncertain environment, both in business and personally.
If you look at yourself and others in an uncertain, dangerous, or threatening environment, what is usually the reaction? It is to withdraw. Just think about being somewhere that is somewhat dangerous, like walking through an unsafe neighborhood at night.
You are most definitely going to withdraw; you are going to stick to the shadows, do a great deal of looking around, and watching behind you. You are going to do your level best to get out of that neighborhood as fast as possible. If you are driving, you are probably going to break the speed limit to withdraw from that place.
Your prospects and customers are in a state of anxiety, too. They remain withdrawn, afraid to reach out and purchase.
It is an uncertain economy, so should they spend the money? Are they making the right purchase decision? Will a product or service like yours really help them?
Now let us have a look at a company whose job it is to sell. When a salesperson or a company is in a state of withdrawal, what are they not doing? Just like those prospects and customers, they are not reaching out. They are not communicating.
For a company, you could certainly see that they are not promoting which, on a commercial level, amounts to the same thing—reaching out, and communicating. If you as a company are not doing that, then prospects and customers are not hearing from you. They are not getting the message of why your products or services would benefit them. In short, they have no reason to reach back to you, do they?
On a personal sales level, a state of withdrawal means the salesperson is not calling customers, is not sending out emails, or otherwise reaching out. Yes, we are in a situation in which personal contact is quite limited, but our digital world provides many alternative methods of contact.
But a state of withdrawal can mean something even worse. Especially in this environment, if your company is withdrawn and not promoting, your prospects and customers might even think that you are not in business anymore. There are many companies not doing well or going out of business, so if your virtual silence could mean the same thing.
The solution? Both on a personal and on a corporate level, the solution is to reach out. It is to communicate. It is to promote.
Once you get up and rolling with promotion, and really “put the pedal to the metal,” you will start seeing leads once again. You will start having opportunities roll in the door. And guess what? That anxiety is going to, in a great measure, reduce or better still disappear altogether.
Promote your way out of anxiety!