The programs we implemented with the phone department, handling incoming and outgoing calls have also seen a huge improvement. Thanks again for helping us grow our bottom line.–Bryan Oksas, Co-CEO, Payless
When you have a sales emergency,
who do you call?

When your Sales Force or Sales Manager needs help, who is there for them?
Sales CPR is the world's first emergency hot line for salespeople and sales managers. Sales CPR delivers expert and precision sales help from competent and experienced coaches. Help is provided right over the phone, whenever you need it.
Available by the hour, or in subscription packages.
Sign up now!
Would you answer “yes” to any of the questions below?
- Is your sales team under performing as a whole?
- Do you feel your current sales training is inadequate?
- Are any of your sales people not performing to the best of their abilities?
- Are you in need of creating, or refining, your current (step-by-step) sales process?
- Did you have high hopes for a particular sales person but find he or she is still not performing?
- Do your Sales Closing ratios continue to stay low regardless of your attempts to increase them?
…then the SELLability Sales Life-Line is just for you.
Whatever situations you run into you will have all the back-up you need to succeed with the one-of-a-kind SELLability Sales Life-Line.
If you have been in sales for long, you have probably discovered that you have many ups and downs in sales. Where do you go when you need help? Who is there to support you whenever you need it? Well real live help is finally here.
The Sales Life-Line delivers world class sales mentors to you right over the phone, whenever you need it.
Whatever happens in the sales department, in your personal sales or whatever situation you find yourself in, we are here to help you boost your sales.