When your buying public and your staff have been living in an environment that has, through the pandemic, slowed to a crawl, it can be tough to get them to move again. That’s what we’re about this month.
In our last blog, we talked about how inconsistency of urgency creates ups and downs, both with the public and your employees. You’ve got to keep it consistent.
The Public Relations Campaign
Now let’s take a look at just how you keep that urgency consistent. It’s done with a PR campaign.
PR, as you may know, is used in many ways. It is of course used to release your messaging and information to the media to broadly publicize it. There is also PR used with your clientele, through your website, blogs, and newsletters. Inside your organization, internal PR keeps your staff inspired about the company, products and services, and working for your company.
One of the main elements of an effective PR campaign is staying on message. There may be many ways of stating a message, but within the same PR campaign, that message should remain the same no matter the variations in wording.
PR Urgency
The media may be swaying the public one way or another. Most often, the media has a negative slant and will make the reader, viewer or listener feel anger, fear, or downright apathy about what’s happening around them.
Obviously, such emotions will not be part of creating urgency to bring a person up and out of the “lower normal” that we’ve unfortunately fallen into. That’s where your PR campaign comes in—it will be you that creates the urgency.
What kind of messages should you put out there as part of your PR campaign?
Your messaging obviously must tie in with your product or service, and your company’s overall messaging. But in creating urgency, you could point out that society and business have fallen into that lower “new normal” and pose the question, “How are we going to get out of it?”
The recipient of your message has eyes and ears and most likely has noticed at least aspects of this “new normal” themselves. You can help raise their necessity to change by putting this question before them: if we keep going in this direction, what’s going to happen? To your company, to society, and to the people themselves? Should we just be waiting to see what happens? Their answers will demonstrate to them the need to raise their need to change.
Sense of Purpose
The primary thrust of your message should be to instill (or re-instill) a sense of purpose in the recipients of your PR messages. What are your buyers trying to achieve with your product or service? How will your products and services help them do that?
For the internal PR campaign within your company, you should reinvigorate your employees’ purpose for working there, and the purpose of the company as a whole.
Urgency is undoubtedly a public relations campaign. Done well, it will restore urgency to your company and your area.
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