Our topic for this month, for the blogs and newsletter, is “The shrinking recruitment pool.” During covid, the advent of working from home changed the whole working mindset for many. People have become less motivated, and the kind of personnel you want for your company—sales and otherwise—has become increasingly harder to find.
While there may be many out of work, they’re not necessarily those that you want to recruit for your organization. Unfortunately, these individuals have compromised and settled for less by agreeing with someone else’s ideas, not their own.
It just happened that, as an evolution of the pandemic environment, some found they could make more money by taking unemployment along with stimulus payments. Those that spread the idea of doing this made it seem as if it was a way to really survive. People who accepted this concept, and adopted it, became willing to be less than who they really were.
Source of Wrong Ideas
If you look at today’s landscape between social media and mainstream media, there’s a lot of opinion on how we should feel and what we should do with our lives. For the most part, we don’t have many of those ideas until somebody puts them in our heads.
The problem we face is that the views and opinions being promoted are not necessarily based on facts or proven results. The concepts can start anywhere, formulated by anyone, and as they are shared, beliefs become formed and end up on TV, radio, or online.
We have likely all been embarrassed at one time or another by adopting an opinion that we later found false. We have experienced missing opportunities or “settling” for something less, even though we knew inside our hearts that it did not seem right, and we could do more.
The Right Recruits
In order for businesses to rise up from the pandemic environment and survive, they have to be able to find people who are willing to be guided to a place where they’ll reach for more. Such people should be self-reliant, should still have big goals and dreams, and must have been able to continue thinking and operating that way despite the pandemic.
The bottom line is that we want, as recruits, the people who would reach for more, who would grow with our company, and who would eventually become executives.
In our next article, we’ll explore more in detail the characteristics you should be looking for in new recruits.
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