You are Only as Happy as Your Last Close

by Sellability Team


As salespeople, we truthfully love the sale, the whole sales process, and all of the challenges that culminate in the CLOSE!

Each close brings us happiness, a sense of accomplishment, and satisfaction for a job well done, but how long does this last?

Depending on how big the close was or how strategically important it was, the sense of accomplishment lasts for a certain time or as most salespeople say, “not long enough!” We all want the “Close feeling” to last for as long as possible so we try to stay connected to the sale somehow.

For example, salespeople try to get involved in the delivery or customer service end usually justifying it because “I need to ensure my customer is well taken care of” or “It’s a complicated sale. I want to make sure it gets done right”. Etc. The reality of it is that this is NOT the job of the salesperson. Furthermore, salespeople LOSE MONEY when they are not working on creating a sale, selling, and closing deals.

As salespeople we are only truly happy when we are closing. There always should be a nice acknowledgment when the sale is closed and then the delivery team should take over the client and service them extremely well. By doing so, sets up future sales for you!

As long as the delivery team does in fact take care of your customers well, you can then take your attention off of that closed sale and put your attention on new potential sales that can then be closed.

Salespeople who consistently close are very happy salespeople indeed! Salespeople caught up in delivery and customer service issues are not happy and tend to create internal conflict by trying to take over another department’s job, such as delivery.

One of the key functions of management is to keep salespeople consistently focused on selling and closing. It is only in this way, that you can have consistent expansion. This is the only real way to handle the ups and downs of your income. Go ahead and graph your income for the last 3 months. The pattern is most likely up and down.

Do you want to have consistent, expanding income? If so, make sure you have good delivery and customer service departments that are 100% focused on taking over the completed sale and creating the perfect service for every one of your clients. Then get onto closing more and more sales.

For sales management personnel and business owners, make sure the above happens and your salespeople stay focused on selling and watch the “Ups” get higher and the “Lows” get higher and the company has a consistent income!

We look forward to your feedback and sharing your success from the application of the above.

Happy Selling!