Confidence Knowledge Center

Our Articles on Communication

  1. Always Be Surveying

    A primary factor for sales confidence is knowledge—knowledge about your product or service, knowledge about your prospect, knowledge about your prospect’s company, and knowledge about your prospect’s industry or market. As they say, knowledge is power, and in the case of a salesperson, it is also confidence.
  2. Train, Drill, Drill, and Drill

    In sales, nothing builds confidence like continuously improving your skills.

    Salespeople who regularly have trouble selling are either missing one or more basics in their sales skill arsenal, or they just don’t practice them enough so that they’ve really “got” them.

  3. What Do Customers Buy?

    When prospects buy, what exactly is it that they’re buying?

    You might answer, “My product!” or “My service!” To a large degree, that’s true; otherwise, they wouldn’t be interested at all. But the top factor that causes prospects and customers to purchase when it comes right down to it, is the salesperson’s confidence
  4. 自信的秘訣與工具
    (members only content)

  5. The Scale of Confidence

    Did you know that there is a “scale of confidence”? It goes from the top, where a salesperson is totally confident and willing to sell anything to anybody, all the way down to the point where the salesperson won’t make the first effort to sell anything at all. All of their motivation and confidence seem to have been eroded.

    What happens to cause the salesperson to go down this scale?
  6. Approach and speak with an appropriate emotion.

    One component of confidence is being able to look at a person, talk to them a little bit, and be able to make an educated guess as to where they are at emotionally. It is very important in sales to approach a prospect and speak to them with the appropriate emotion.
  7. Learning to Observe

    An essential key to sales confidence, and a vital part of life in general, is learning to observe.

    Perhaps the biggest mistake anyone can make when it comes to dealing with any issue or problem is just not looking. Much of the time, when you take the time to look at something, it can then appear far simpler and easier to handle than it would if you were not looking and just making assumptions about it.
  8. Sales CPR – Confidence

    Sometimes as sales professionals and executives we can “overthink” the problem. What gives a salesperson confidence? What gives us confidence in any profession? Training and experience, right? It really is that simple.

    Here is the myth: “Experience = Old School” – The idea that it takes a LONG time to gain that experience is false.

  9. 持續的進步能維持銷售員自信
    (members only content)

  10. 在艱困的經濟狀況下增加業績
    (members only content)

Our Videos on Communication

  1. 在銷售中和對手競爭
    (members only content)

  2. 提升公眾演說的技巧
    (members only content)

  3. 銷售中的情緒
    (members only content)

  4. 對你的產品或服務有信心
    (members only content)

  5. 如何適當地處理顧客的抱怨
    (members only content)

  6. 通過實踐成為冠軍
    (members only content)

  7. 其他銷售人員是否讓你感到有壓力
    (members only content)

  8. 正面的態度能減少錯誤與事故
    (members only content)

  9. 在簡報之後,遺憾的情緒
    (members only content)

  10. 情緒上的抗拒
    (members only content)

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