Customer Relationship Knowledge Center

Our Articles on Communication

  1. The Critical Missed Action

    Let's take a look at what critical action, when missed, causes sales teams and salespeople to miss quotas and lose income for their companies.

    Interestingly, that action starts with the close, which is where too many salespeople think the sale ends. In a shallow look, it makes sense. We won! The customer bought the product or service! We got paid! I got my commission! Woo-Hoo! Let’s go party!
  2. Converting Your Customer Base into a Constant Revenue Source

    It’s only natural that, when a company is getting up and running, they’re going to be primarily focused on new business. There’s nothing else, yet—they haven’t been around long enough to have built up a customer base. And of course, new business will always be important.

    It’s a sad thing, though, to see a company that’s been around for several years that still concentrates solely on new business, without putting at least an equal amount of attention on their customer base. They are sitting right on top of but neglecting, a million-dollar endless source of income.
  3. The Difference Between a Name and a True Referral

    It can happen that, when you have closed a sale, you then ask, “Who do you know that should be using our product or service?” Your new customer then provides one or more names and contact information.

    What do you now have? Well, you have just got a name. Sure, when you call them, you can “drop” the name of your customer. But it’s only a little better than a cold call—they still don’t know you and don’t even know if you really made a sale to the person who referred you unless they hear it from them. And on top of that, they do not know if your customer is a happy customer.
  4. 8 Vital Actions That Must Be Part of Your Customer Relationship Program.

    When looking at how to revive some “mostly dead” sales, it is very important to take up the customer relationship. Especially now, customers have many choices. Recent studies estimate that customers are receiving 1000s of marketing messages each day. So, the relationship you create with the customer is VITAL.
  5. The Lifelong Relationship Versus the “Quick Sale”

    If there is any fault with the run-of-the-mill sale, it is that it is viewed too shallowly: the contact, the pitch, the close, and we are done. Once the sale is closed and the customer has paid, the salesperson and company move onto the next prospect.

    As detailed in another of this month’s blogs, this is where things can go wrong. If there is an issue or problem with the product or service, the prospect is going to contact the last person they had a relationship with: the salesperson. The salesperson, not having enough time to really deal with it, is going to become weighed down and not be able to fully pursue other prospects.
  6. How Do You Define a Sale: Where One Wins…or Both Parties Win?

    The Customer Relationship comes after the close. It is the successful transferring of the sale from you, as the sales rep, to the delivery team, who will now keep the customer as happy as you kept them throughout the sales process.

    When this is not done, the customer will come back to you with any questions or issues they have with the product or service. As a rep, you are not usually equipped to service the client in this way, and additionally, your attention will be constantly pulled from pursuing new deals to handle any customer service shortcomings.

  7. 客戶關係的秘訣與工具
    (members only content)

  8. 缺乏持續聯絡,是否影響收入?
    (members only content)

  9. 如何妥善地服務你客戶所引薦的客戶

Our Webcasts on Communication

  1. 成為您所在行業的專家 - not translated
    (members only content)

  2. 如何處理來自客户的引薦
    (members only content)

Our Videos on Communication

  1. 調查現有客戶的產品滿意度
    (members only content)

  2. 先前的客戶有為你帶來源源不絕的引薦嗎? video wont download on youtube
    (members only content)

  3. 你覺得銷售是一場數字遊戲嗎?-wont download on youtube
    (members only content)

  4. 如果你是客戶,你會買你自己的產品或服務嗎?
    (members only content)

  5. 出貨最佳化及避免錯誤
    (members only content)

  6. 售後服務以及它對銷售員的影響
    (members only content)

  7. 讓客戶一直為你推薦生意
    (members only content)

  8. 你的品管部門有效嗎?
    (members only content)

  9. 銷售員的人格完整
    (members only content)

  10. 你擔心客戶可能會抱怨而不去追蹤嗎?
    (members only content)

  11. 在客戶購買之後持續追蹤
    (members only content)

  12. 關於追蹤客戶的訣竅
    (members only content)

  13. 成功心得
    (members only content)

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